Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

Introduce About My Self

Hello Friends! I am Intan Fitri Fauzia, but you can call me Intan. I was born in Tegal, 4 October 2000. I live in street at Jendral Ahmad Yani no. 54/34b, bandung.

I am the second of three brothers. I have older brother,  he is Adam Hidayat. I have younger sister, she is Putri Ayu Lestari. And I am very greatful because i still have a mother and dad. I am very love my family.

I am school in Senior High School 3 Bandung, I come from Junior High School 4 Bandung. You need to know, I very greateful to be accepted as a student of Senior High School 3 Bandung.

After graduating from SMAN 3 bandung, I would like to continue my education to the accounting department at UI. I hope the desire to achieve, Amin Ya Allah.

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